Discover The Best Essential Oil Kits

When we did our on the best oil diffusers we figured that this week we would cover the best essential oil kits. Now these kits are ones that we have used most of the oils from, but also know it covers a wide range of the therapeutic needs. This is when you should know we have used quite a few of these oils ourselves and have found they do provide quite a bit of results that we really loved because of what it was able to give us relief from. Now we are not a medical advice site so we will not comment on those results, but you do need to know what we have had results with the oils.

How Did We Narrow Down Our List?

The way that we narrowed down the list was by getting the oils that we liked and have used. Some of the brands that we have listed are ones that we have not used in the past as a combination that they are presented, but we have used at least one if not more of the oils that are listed and this will make it easier for you to know that we have used the oils and know they do work and makes it easier for you to know that we have used these and know they do work.

The Contenders 

Radha Beauty Essential Oilers Set of 16

Radha is a brand that we have used in the past and have really been happy with the oils that we have gotten from the company. This is a large stock of 16 different oils as it will allow you to get the best oils that you need, but also provides you with a wide range of products that are going to help you in getting the best products that you need to have and a lot of different oil therapies that you can use as recommended by other professionals.

With these oils one aspect that we are going to like is the fact it is packaged in darker bottles. These bottles will allow you to keep the great oils and scents that you need to have. However, the oils are going to provide you with a lot of treatments and because they are in the darker bottles it will allow you to have them around for a long period of time.

ArtNaturals Aromatherapy 8 Top

ArtNaturals is a company that you will find is going to be a nice addition to your diffuser, but also if you follow the directions these are oils that you can use on your skin as well. So you will be able to get the oils and know they are going to have a great way for you to get the oils on your skin. However, as we suggested before we like these for the diffusers more than anything else.

One aspect that we like, but do not really like with ArtNaturals is the fact this is a company that only is going to hold the natural standard to their company standard. This is going to make it easier for you to know the product is natural, but it is not really certified by an outside company that we could find and that can make it hard for us to trust some of these claims.

Calily Therapeutic Grade Set Of 14

Calily is definitely a company that we have found as being very trustworthy with the oils they are putting out. However, this is a set of 14 and it is the grade that we really like because it is definitely going to make it easier for you to get the starter set that you need to have for the oils that you are trying to start off with.

With this oil it is 100% pure oils and it does not have any of the additives that you can find in some of the other oils that are on the market. So this will make it easier for you to find the proper oils that you need to have and know that it is going to keep you working with the pure oils, instead of an oil that may have some additives that you do not want to be exposing yourself to.

Pure Joy Aromatherapy Top 6

Pure Joy is a company that we have gotten a lot of oils from in the past. This is a company that even with this being a lower amount of oils it will provide you with the oils that are going to work best for your needs. You will notice the oil is going to help keep you in the oil for a longer period of time because the vials are 10 ml, which when you only use five drops at a time in the diffuser will help you out in getting the oil to last for a long period of time.

With the oils that you get from Pure Joy you will notice it is going to make it easier for you to get the oils added into the diffusers, but you can also use it for several different aspects as well. So this will make it easier for you to have a great range of oils that you can take and use for a lot of different things that you normally would never think the oils would be used for.

Best Blends Set of 6 Essential Oils

The Best Blends sets are essential oils that are labeled to put down the treatment some of the specific conditions. Now we normally blend our own oils, but we are going to find that this is going to be hard to do at times. So these blends are some of the ones that we really like because it does provide us with the chance to get the oils blended together and will allow us to have the treatment we want to have.

With these essential oils we will use a word of caution and that is the fact that some of the oils are going to be stronger in the sets than what they are in other sets. So you need to experiment with these and make sure you are okay with the oil blends as some of them could have some problems with the oils and the blends because of the way they are being blended. On a good note these are oils that are registered with the FDA.