Find The Best For Under 2000

Best STudent For Under 2000 A tuba is easily one of the most expensive instruments your kids can want to play, but you know you have to buy them a tuba and since this is the case we have decided it is time for us to find the best for under 2000 dollars. This did take quite a bit of work for us because we did find a lot of the tubas are going to cost quite a bit of money, but at the same time, you want to have a good instrument for your kids to learn on at a reasonable price. With this being the case we know that some of the parents, like us, are going to be on a strict budget on how much they are going to be able to pay on the tuba. With that being the case, let us introduce what we found to be the best student tuba for under 2000 dollars, Glory Brass GTU3 B Flat Tuba.

Why Did We Pick The Glory Brass GTU3 B Flat

Well, I have to say we did quite a bit of research and we saw this tuba comes in at just around the nine hundred dollar mark or so. This is going to make it easier for us to know the tuba is going to make it easier for the parents to buy. However, we found the quality of the tuba is going to have the same type of quality you would expect with some of the other higher priced tubas, but you will find the appearance of the tuba is not going to look cheap or bad at all compared to some of the other tubas you may have looked at before. With that being the case, that is how this tuba landed on our list as the best one for your kids to learn on without breaking your budget.

Features Of The Glory Brass GTU3B Flat Student Tuba

  • The body is made from brass, but the pistons on the tuba have been made from stainless steel and this is going to make it easier for you to have a great sounding tuba that is going to have valve pistons that will last you for a long period of time. What else is nice is the fact this is a student tuba that has a gold finish to it that will make it look even better than what you imagined.
  • With this tuba, it is going to have a bore that is going to measure in at 16.8 mm, but the bell itself will measure in at 370mm. Since this is not in American measurements you may have to do some conversions, but for most of the tuba players, they will be involved more with the metric system of the measurements to get the right size of an instrument for them to learn off of.
  • When you look at this tuba you will notice it is going to be something you are going to want to look at is the additional items it is going to have available with it. With this, you will notice it is going to bring in a silver plated mouthpiece, gloves to make the handling easier, but the other aspect you will notice is going to be the fact this is a tuba that comes with its own pro-deluxe hard case to make carrying the tuba around a lot easier than what you expect.
  • The final feature you will like with the tuba is the fact it is going to come in at just around the thirty six pound mark. This is going to make it a little bit on the heavy side, but at the same time, you will notice the tuba will not be overly prohibitive when it comes to the weight of the product.

What I Like About The Tuba

This tuba is one that is going to be affordable for a lot of people. While under nine hundred bucks is not that affordable in most budgets the cost is going to be a lot more affordable than some of the other tubas that we have looked at on our site. So this is definitely going to be a price that you will enjoy because it is going to be quite a bit more reasonable than what you are going to expect to pay for a tuba, but even better you will be able to get a great product that looks nice as well.

The sound range of the tuba is going to be another factor you will like as well. With some of the tubas, you will notice they are very limited in the sound quality they are able to produce, but this is a tuba that has managed to do really well and been able to spread out quite a bit of the sound range compared to some of the other tubas we have looked at.

Size is important when you are looking at the tubas for kids. However, with a lot of the tubas, you will notice they are going to be rather large for the kids and this can make it impossible for them to play because they are dwarfed by the tuba. So I really like the fact this one is going to weigh in at just around the thirty-five-pound mark and have a decent size for the bore and bell.

What I Did Not Like For This Tuba

The tempos of a lot of music are going to change quite a bit. When it does change it can be tricky for the kids on this tuba because they do have an issue of this tuba not being able to keep up with the faster paces of the tempos. So this is definitely a concern if your kid is playing in a student orchestra that is going to be playing a lot of faster-paced music.

Something else that could be an issue for a new player will be the fact the stainless steel valves may feel a little stiff when you start to get use this tuba for the first time. However, if you apply a little bit of lubrication to the tuba you will notice it has a tendency to relax the stiffness of these valves and makes it quite a bit easier for your kids to play.

My Final Thoughts On Our Pick Of Tuba For Students 

I have to say I really love the fact this is an affordable musical instrument, but it is also an instrument your kids are going to be able to pick up on and start to play. With this being the case, we really liked the instrument here because it is going to be at the right size for most of the kids to learn off of, but also light enough that it will not cause a lot of issues for your kids if they have to march while playing the tuba. If they are in a marching band, we would definitely recommend a different tuba. Overall, though, we have to stay if you are looking for a student tuba for under 2000 dollars you cannot really go wrong here.

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