Discover The Essential Oil Diffuser By Mermaid

When you are in the market for a new essential oil diffuser you will quickly notice that there are quite a few of them on the market. This makes it very difficult to know which one of these you are going to need to get and this can be something that is very difficult that can be done as well. Since this is the case, we have decided it was time for us to go out and really start look at some of the diffusers that were on the market. In this instance, we are going to talk about the and this will help you know if you are getting the right diffuser or if you need to use a different diffuser for your needs.


Why An Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser Is Great

When you are insider of your , it is going to prove to be difficult to use them and just have them in the jars with them opened up. However, at the same time if you do not have a diffuser that is typically the only way you will be able to get the oils up into the air. With that being said this often means you will waste quite a bit of your oils and not be able to get them back because they are going into the air. With this being the case, the essential oil diffusers will make it quite a bit easier for you to find the right oils but also get them diffused into the air to make it easier for you to have them in the entire air, instead of being set on the table with just the oil bottles being open.

Features Of The Diffuser By Mermaid

  • This is a diffuser that will make it easier for you to have a night light in your room, but you may notice the colors are going to change when you are using this product. However, a great feature is this definitely allows you to turn off the changing colors of the lights at the time and this makes it easier for you to have a great product that is going to look great and be special looking at the same time.
  • The amount of essential oil you have to use in the water is something else you will enjoy looking into as well. The amount of oil is going to only be a couple of drops being added into the water to get it to work for your needs. However, at the same time, you will notice the amount of oil to water ratio is very low and this makes it quite a bit easier for you to get the oils you like and know they will last you quite a bit longer than what you are expecting.
  • Since this is using water to put the oil into the room, you will notice it is going to work great on getting the humidity up in the air. This is a good thing to have when you have a with very dry air, but also the plus is getting the chance to get the oils put into the air that you really like to smell. Then you do not have to be concerned about the oils not being used, but also notice your dry air is going to start to go away.

What I Like About The Diffuser By Mermaid

Now, I am going to cover what I really like about this diffuser and I would like to say this is my opinion and not the opinion of others. The first thing that I really like with this oil diffuser is the fact that it is very useful for aromatherapy. This means I am going to be able to use this to get the essential oils spread around the air. However, it will also make it quite a bit easier for me to get the oils spread around like I need to have them spread, instead of just having the bottles open on the table or having to put the oils on my skin or a diffusing piece of jewelry that I may be allergic to.

A night light is a great feature I like as well. When I used these items in the past, I never really knew how dark my room was. However, this is a great night light and it can be very useful for lighting up your rooms to the point you can actually see what you are doing, without having to turn on your main light. What else is great about the light aspect of the diffuser is the fact you do have a chance to turn it down or even off if you want to and not really have to be concerned about it not working. As the oils and the diffuser part does not need to have the light on for it to work properly.

Something else I do like is the fact that it has an automatic shutoff if you forget to turn it off. While it may seem a little bit on the odd side to say, this is one diffuser that is not that loud. In fact, it uses almost what I would consider a whisper type of technology. This technology will make it easier for you to get the sleep you want, but also easy to forget to turn it off. Thankfully the Mermaid company knows this and has built in a feature that will turn the diffuser off if you do forget to turn it off.

What I Did Not Like 

I have to admit, I do like most of the features of this diffuser compared to most of them that we have looked at. However, one aspect that I did not care for with the diffuser was the fact that the water capacity is typically going to last only about five to six hours. While this is great for most people, I have a tendency to wake up in the middle of the night. Can you tell who has the toddler here that does not like sleeping! So I have found that I have a tendency to wake up with him, but also have a tendency to wake up when this turns off even with it being so quiet.

My Final Thoughts On The Essential Oil Diffuser For Aromatherapy By Mermaid

Is this the best aromatherapy diffuser? I doubt it, but is it different than some of them? Yes, it is, but that comes from the fact this is one of those units. Now, this may not mean a lot for some people, but in some cases, it is important because it will not be spitting the water out at them when they are using it. Overall, I have to admit I do like this aromatherapy essential oil diffuser and would recommend it to almost anyone that needs to get one of these to use.