Read The Bella Ceramic Electric Tea Kettle

seem to be the new thing lately. However, when you are looking for one for your home, you need to realize their are literally hundreds of them on the market. Since that is the case, you have to do your research to make sure you get the right one for your home. To that end, we have made it a lot easier by offering our five best , but also are starting individual reviews on each kettle.

What you may not realize is Bella is a company that has been around for quite some time and I actually remember seeing the name when I was a lot younger. So I am thinking, which could be a bad thing, they are the same company. Something else that you will enjoy is this is a company that literally makes hundreds of items for the home so it will be a brand that you can find other products they have made and know what kind of quality and care they put into each one.

What Are The Features In The Bella Ceramic Electric Kettle

The main feature that you will enjoy with this kettle is the fact that it heats the water up really quick. Now this does not mean you can turn the kettle on and in a minute have hot water. It is going to take some time, but in my experience it heats it up in about 2 minutes or 3 minutes to the point you can use it in tea.

With the Bella Ceramic it does have a smallish capacity in the model that we have talked about in this as it only holds 1.2 Liters of water. So you will have to refill it in between each cupper or two, but it definitely is going to heat the water up pretty dog on quick for you and this will make it even more enjoyable for you to use the tea kettle.

What Does A Detachable Base Offer

This is something that you will really want to consider when you are looking at the electric . A detachable base is a feature that is going to make it easier for you to carry the kettle from the warming area to the area you are pouring the water. This is great because it keeps the cord out of the way while you are walking, but also makes it easier for you to pour without the cord getting in the way.

Does The Gooseneck Pour Spout Really Help Out

When you are looking at some of the electric kettles you will find that some of them have a pour spout, but others have a goose neck. The key thing is, does the goose neck, like the Bella has, help out or not. The answer is yes, once you get used to judging the pour you will have more control over the pour and less spills. Plus you do not have to get the kettle as close to your cup as what you would expect with the other kettles.

What Is The Boil Dry Feature?

When you are using an electric kettle that is contained you may not think about looking inside to see if you need to add water. This is a real problem because it generally means that you can accidentally boil dry your system. When the electric kettles boil dry they tend to have some damage associated with them and that may lead to the system getting ruined. The boil dry feature in this electric kettle shuts it off before it reaches this level and that makes it easier for you to use the kettle and not worry about it getting damaged.

Does The Bella Electric Kettle Have An Auto Shutoff?

Yes, this is a nice feature as well. It will shut off when it reaches a certain temperature or time. So you do not have to worry about the water getting so hot that you cannot handle it. However, no matter what you need to use the handle because the outside of the kettle does get very hot and if you touch it, the chances are real for burning your hand.

How Easy Is The Kettle To Use?

This is the best thing, you just fill the kettle up to the line that shows you the minimum and the maximum. Obviously if you drink tea a lot more water is better. Then you plug in the base and fit the kettle back in. Then you just have to turn on the kettle and it is going to warm up the water while you are getting some of your other things done. The auto shutoff will keep the water from getting to hot, but also lets you know for certain when it is done.

Does The Machine Have A Long Cord?

This is the main complaint with the Bella and that is the fact that its cord is not that long. Since the cord is not that long you will have to clear out a space close to your outlets for it. So you need to make sure you have this type of counter space available when you are using the kettle or you could have some problems in plugging this in. Something else is the plug is not that flexible so it can create even more of an issue for you.

Who Is This Kettle For?

This kettle is for the tea lovers that want to have a touch of class while using an electric kettle. The ceramic look is going to set it off perfectly for elegance, but the spout will make it look elegant at the same time. Overall this is a great kettle for the tea lover of almost any age.

Who Would This Not Work For

This kettle does not whistle at you. So you will have some problems in getting to know if your water is done. If you rely on the whistle to let you know your kettle is done, then you would not do any good with this kettle.

Our Final Thoughts

This is a kettle that comes from a good brand company, but also a kettle that is going to last you for a long period of time. The elegant look definitely does not hurt this kettle either as it makes it look like you spent a fortune for the kettle when you really did not. Overall, this is a great kettle that we would recommend for any tea lover or anyone who needs hot water.