Oster French Door Toaster Oven

Oster French Door Toaster Oven

Oster French Door Toaster OvenCooking is a chore at times, but a lot of times if you have the proper cooking equipment it can take some of the work out of cooking. What else is nice is some of the pieces can add charm to the kitchen, like a French door toaster oven. However, what good is the extra look to the kitchen if the item you buy to work as an oven is unable to do the job? Well, I have to say it would mean nothing for you if it did not do the job you bought it for and only looked nice. Since that is the case, I decided it was time to go out and review the Oster French door toaster oven to make it easier for you to find out if this toaster oven is the best one for your kitchen or if you need to consider a different toaster oven to do the job for you.

Features Of The Oster French Door Toaster Oven

  • Using a single door you will be able to open up both of the doors at the same exact time.
  • When you are using the toaster oven here, you can enjoy the digital controls that is going to remove the guesswork you have had in the past of getting the toaster oven to the proper spot for the temperature and even the time.
  • The oven does have a couple of racks that is going to provide you with the maximum amount of cooking space available but also allows you to have plenty of cooking area as well when it comes to space in between the shelves you are working with.
  • On the extra large toaster oven it is going to have enough room,with the two racks, for you to be able to get a couple of 16-inch pizzas cooked at the same exact time, which makes it easier for you to prepare all of your dinner at once.
  • When you have the toaster oven it is easier to leave it alone and not have to worry about it not turning off on you if you forget. The timer can be set for 90 minutes and after that it has an automatic shutoff that keeps the from being burnt or even worse the oven being left on and burning down the house.

What Kind Of Presets Are Available

Okay, now I love a lot of the preset features you get with some of the more advanced , which I would consider the Oster French door toaster oven as being one of the more advanced ones because of the digital readout. So you can imagine it does have some presets that you can use and know the cooking is easier, remember what I said earlier, I love easy cooking. With this toaster oven the presets are the typical bake, broil, toast, and even convection cooking. However, this one takes it a step further and offers a preset for pizza, defrost, and if you are trying to dehydrate something it has that setting as well.

Why Does It Have A Single Door Pull

I have to say this had me a little dumbfounded for a little bit. Then I started to think more about the doors and how if you had to pull a couple of the different doors to get the out while the hot air is coming out the open door right by the handle. With the smooth motion of only a single door to open it makes it quite a bit easier for you to get the door opened and not have to fight with the other door and potentially burn your hand while opening the door. So while I do have some reservations about the single door opening system for the durability and long duration it is a great idea and I have to admit I really do like it.

What Is Turbo Convection Cooking

Oddly this is a question that I get asked quite a bit because it is a concept people have heard about, but it is not really well explained. I have to say until I did my research I was a little lost as well in what this type of cooking was. The turbo convection cooking actually helps with the cooking process in getting the food evenly cooked, but also in getting the food cooked a little bit faster. The process is using the air circulation to get the food evenly cooked, but also with the air constantly moving in the oven I have found that it does a little bit better on the cooking time as well and that is a great feature for cooking to food faster, but also in saving quite a bit of energy.

How Does A Convection Oven Save Energy

I am sure you are probably like I was at irst and curious how this is going to save energy. Well, the concept is actually very easy the cooking area is smaller and heats up faster. Well, once the cooking area is heated up and with the air circulating it is going to cook faster and evenly which reduces the reheating time. At the same time, though, you may notice that with this going on it means the oven, which is already using less energy to heat up will not be on as long. With that being the case, it is very easy to see how your energy bill can drop when you use these that can handle the convection cooking options.

Is It Easy To Check On The Food?

While I have found some toaster ovens do have an interior light, in my experience, it usually comes on when you open the door. Well, opening the door often leads to a loss of heat that has been built up and delays the food cooking time. The Oster French door toaster oven does have a light on the inside that does make it easier for you to check on the food and know it will allow you to see what is going on without having to open the door and let all of the heat escape from the toaster oven.

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What Do I Like With The French Door Toaster Oven

Okay, one of the first things that I like with this toaster oven is the fact that it is able to handle the convection cooking style. This cooking style not only allows me to have a better chance of getting the food finished all at the same time, but it also makes it quite a bit easier for me to have the oven heated up faster and know the food is cooked evenly, which is definitely going to be a great feature so my family will not be like my food is too hot or even worse having them go, well my food is too cold. So that definitely helps me get my kids and husband fed with the same food and same temperature all the time.

While I have mentioned that I am more about the functionality of the pieces here versus the actual look, I really do like the look to this toaster oven. Yes, it is functional and it does work like it is supposed to, but it also has a great look that I really enjoy as well. With the added look and style, though, it really makes it easier for me to have a great looking toaster oven and know it is functional as well.

Finally, I like the fact this toaster oven still has some of the same type of presets that are commonly found on a lot of the other ovens. With these being easily found it makes it quite a bit easier for me to get the oven set up and started on the meal that I am preparing for the dinner or even lunch because it is rather easy for me to get this set up and working and know it will do exactly what  want it to do.

What Do I Not Care For With This Toaster Oven

One thing that I like, but I have doubts about as well is how long the toaster ovens are going to last with the doors. Yes, I have had some French doors that are working along with the same type of style and lines, and they would last forever. However, I have had the same experience where some of the doors would start to have issues after a short time period and instead of opening at the same time, would have to be opened separately and that may not be comfortable when you are using this for a toaster oven.

My Final Thoughts On The Oster French Door Toaster Oven

Okay, I have to say I really like this toaster oven and enjoy the fact that it is a high-quality item. The toaster oven as you can tell in the video does a good job and definitely does a great job of preparing the food. Overall, I really like this brand and know that it is going to last you for a long period of time. Not to mention, the style of the Oster French Door Toaster Oven is easily one of the best looks you can have to compliment your kitchen.

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