Pure Joy Top 6 Essential Oils

For a lot of people they have read about so much and the essential oils it takes and what each one does they tend to reach an information overload point and never act. This is not only a bad way to get the oils and start using them, but it also is a way to continue to suffer from the condition you are trying to treat with the you are looking at exploring. Since this is the case a lot of the companies that have this type of treatment have come out with a lot of different packages that contain what they feel are the best oils. In this case, we are going to one of those packages and that is the Pure Joy Top 6 Essential Oils so you know if this package will give you pure joy or if you are going to be heading to heartbreak.

Features Of The Pure Joy Aromatherapy Top 6 Essential Oils

  • This is a set that is going to come with just a few of the basic oils you are going to need. As you can tell by the title it is going to have 6 essential oils included. This is less than what some of the sets are going to have that we have reviewed. At the same time, it will allow you to get quite a few oils that will provide you the treatment you want to have for the relief from some of the conditions you may have been suffering from.
  • The bottle size is actually quite a bit for the oils that you are going to get as the oils bottles are going to come in at the 10 ml mark. This will allow you to have enough oils to experiment with and since you are only using a few drops at a time for aromatherapy it will allow you to have plenty to use on a regular basis as well. I will warn you when you are starting to get low on the oils you may want to go ahead and reorder your oils so you can have plenty on hand.
  • Unlike some of the companies that are going to have these oils available this is a set that is going to come as a pure oil. Since this is a pure oil you do not have to be concerned about it causing any issues for you unless you are allergic to the oils that are being used. So this is definitely something that will help you out in getting the oils and being able to use them properly.
  • Since these are the pure oils you will also notice they are going to have a strong smell to them compared to some of the other oils that can be watered down. This means you can use even less in the way of oils and know it will help keep you ready to use the oils at a moments notice.

What Essential Oils Are Included In This Set

As you can tell this set is not a large set and it is going to include a lot of the smaller oils that you are going to need to have. So this is important for you to consider because it will make it easier for you to find the right oils that will work for you and know if you need to buy any extra oils for your recipes to work for your needs. The oils that are included are here:

  1. Lavender
  2. Tea Tree
  3. Eucalyptus
  4. Peppermint
  5. Lemongrass
  6. Sweet Orange

What Did I Like The Most With This Set

I have to say this is a set that will have all the essentials you should need to get started off with oils. This includes the orange, which I have found to have a very sweet smell to it. It also has the lavender oils that I tend to use at night to help me in getting to sleep at night. So this is definitely something that I am love about this set and with the bottles coming in at the 10 mL size it does provide me with some oils to start off with. I will tell you when you find the oils that you like, though, you will want to get several of these oils to ensure you do not run out.

These oils tend to have a very strong fragrance compared to some of the other oils that I have used in the past.This means that I do not have to use as much of the oils to get the effect I want to have. At the same time, it also lets me know that I am getting a purer oil compared to some of the other oils that are on the market right now.

What I Did Not Care For

Well, I have to admit that this oil set is very versatile, but like a lot of the oil sets we have reviewed recently this does not have the carrier oils you need to have for getting the oils ready to use on your skin or other items. However, the carrier oils that you are going to use is not that expensive compared to some of the other methods you are going to have available to you and this is definitely something that is great for a lot of reasons.

My Final Thoughts On The Pure Joy Aromatherapy Top 6 Essential Oils

If you are starting out you will find this is a great set of oils that will have most of the essential oils you have read about being used for some of the common ailments. However, what else you will notice is the bottles since you are going to use only a few drops at a time it will make it easier for you to have the product last you for a long period of time. So this is definitely a plus. Overall, if you do not want to have a lot of essential oils for aromatherapy this set will work for you. At the same time if you want to have more oils then the Pure Joy Aromatherapy Top 6 Essential Oils may not work for you.