RCA 2162 Cordless Phone
RCA 2162 Cordless Phone

Continuing our cordless phone we are going to talk about another cordless phone that landed on our five best cordless phone list. In this case, we are talking about the . Now, as many of you can already tell this was not our top rated phone, but it also is made by RCA. RCA is a very popular electronics brand and one that I know for a fact has been around for years, but in my own case prior to the phones my only experience with RCA was a television. With that being said, it is now time to start our .

Features Of The RCA 2162-3BKGA

  • Has caller ID on the phones.
  • Uses a digital recorder for the information.
  • The phone system comes with 3 handsets to make finding your phone easier.

What I Like About The RCA Cordless Phone

Digital Display Is Lighted

The display for the phone numbers that are coming up are lit up. This is a great feature because I have had some phones that are difficult to use because they tend to read the number and name to you. While that is nice and makes it easier, if you are hard of hearing or waiting to hear who is calling you could end up getting the phone going to the answering machine before you even get around to answering the call. So the digital display for the caller id and the number who is calling you makes it quite a bit easier to use.

Comes With Three Handsets Already In The Box

With a lot of the cordless phones that I have looked at, it they tend to only have a single phone or two phones in the box with a base unit. This phone system, at least the one I seen, had 3 phones in the box. This allows you to have 3 different cordless phones that you can take anywhere in your house and know you can talk to anyone. At the same time, if you are in the same boat I am in with a teenage girl, the chances of finding a phone that is charged is dramatically reduced. With that being said it is great to see there are 3 phones in the box, which generally leaves one of them fully charged and ready to use.

Ringer Is Not Overly Loud

I used to be a fairly light sleeper and the smallest sound would wake me up. Now, I know that is more on me than anything else, but it will definitely keep me up. Well for a while I used to work third shift and the slightest noise would wake me up. That definitely included the phone which would always ring during the day and it would wake me up like no other. Well, with the phone here the ringer is not loud, which for people trying to sleep is a good thing, but if you are expecting an important phone call it is not good to not be able to hear the phone.

What I Did Not Care For With The RCA 2162-3BKGA

The Display Is Fairly Light In Color

With the phone display it tends to be a light grey on the numbers and letters. While this normally does not bother anyone, I have to say I am older and that is generally going to lead to my eye sight not being as good as it once was. Saying that, I feel really old and have come to realize, that I need to get a phone that has a darker display for the numbers. So I have to say the main thing that I dislike with the phone is the fact that the lights are lighter and harder to see.

What Others Are Saying

Angela would leave this little bit of information on Walmart about the phones, “they seemto be working fine”. Now, this is a great statement like what I already pointed out and that is the fact these are a very basic phone that does its job. The phone will not wow you with features, but it does allow you to do what you need with a phone and make calls, but also has a digital answering machine to get the calls you missed.

My Final Thoughts On The RCA 2162-3BKGA

The phone here is one that is an older model which tends to mean the price is a little bit more affordable. At the same time, though, it also means that you are going to have a harder time finding the phone. With that being said if you can get past the low ringer sound and the fact that the phone uses a light grey font on the caller ID then this is not that bad of a phone and could be a great option for you. If you cannot get past that or want your phones to do more than just the basics, then you may need to think about a different phone rather than the .