has started to become one of the major changes that you are seeing with the way that people are watching shows. However, when you start to look at all the different devices you can stream on, you will find you have just as many if not more streaming services available. This is when you should know more about the best streaming service that allows you to stream live shows. Once you know about the streaming services that are available you will be able to find the right one for your needs and enjoy watching the shows on live television again and know you will finally be able to enjoy watching your favorite shows again. With that being the case, we are going to showcase some of the streaming networks that we have experience with and let you know what we think of them, so you can find the right one to use in your home.

How Did We Narrow Down Our Search?

Well, I have to say watching a lot of television was the first thing that we did. Normally, I do not watch television as I do have a lot of work to get done as well, but for this article and the sake of research, it seemed to be justified! So I definitely watched the shows and figured out which one of these services are the best and have ranked them according to what I experienced and what I found works best in my own opinion.

5. Hulu

Hulu is a great network that has been around for several years and has started to do the live streaming as well. The price is right at right around 40 bucks a month at the time of the publishing here. However, you will find this does have a limited selection in channels compared to some of the other services. Hulu Live Streaming does have some of the sports channels you will like as well, ESPN, NBC Sports Nework, and even FS1 and FS2 are some of the notables.

With Hulu you will notice it does have a limited selection of local channels as well. For example in my area, I would have Fox and ABC, but not have NBC or CBS. So you do have this issue and it is one issue that could be a deal breaker for some people. Also, something else that we noticed when we were looking into Hulu is the lack of the Discovery Channel family. This means you could miss out on some of the favorite live shows like Deadliest Catch.

As far as service reliability and speed, I never really had any issues with this program. I will say it would be nice if it had more channels, but I am sure that would add to the price quite a bit. So overall, I have to say this is a great streaming service to use.

4. YouTube TV

When you are looking at YouTube TV you will find that it is going to have a lot going for it from YouTube as being a great channel that can be around for years to come. Not to mention, YouTube is owned by Google, which helps to guarantee it will be around for years. The downside is YouTube TV is limited in the number of channels you have available to pick from. I know that for me I do not really like to have the limited number of channels and the channels that are available are very limited and not really what I like to watch.

A good example is the channels that it does have is going to be missing Discovery, Travel Channel, and at the time that I was looking here they did not even have the History channel. The good news is they do have a wide range of local channels on the selection. Something else that you may like with the streaming service here is going to be the fact they have a cloud DVR service that has unlimited amount of storage.


is a streaming service that I have to say does really well for what it offers. The downside is you have 4 different packages to pick from and even then on the top rated package for some of the extra sports channels you have to get an additional subscription. The good news is the network does have most of the local channels in almost all of the areas that you would expect to be using a streaming television on.

A great feature that you will love here is when you do get the Ultra package, which right now is running about eighty bucks a month you are going to get HBO and Showtime both. I definitely have to say this is going to make it easier for you to have a great time with the higher packages and not have to spend a fortune for the service with add ons. The sports package that you do have to buy if you want to get some of the higher up sports channels will cost you an extra ten bucks a month.

2. Sling

Sling is a great streaming service and I have to say it is one of the older services you can find to help you stream shows. The problem that you may have is Sling can start to get jerky at times and even with it being a great product that has been around for several years it does have a limited selection of shows. So you need to make sure you are aware of this as you could find yourself trying to find something like Discovery or some of the channels that are commonly found with some of the traditional cable networks and be disappointed when you are not able to find what you are looking for.

What else you will find is Sling does have several different packages for you to pick from. The highest tier is where they combine the lower two packages into a single one. This combination does lead to a lower price, but it will have a lot of channels. When you are getting the Sling TV package you will find that you can have a cloud DVR available for 5 bucks a month, but you get 50 hours of DVR space. Sling does have quite a bit in the way of show options and does allow for a lot of logins for apps and even with the issues, it can work great for families that want some great television and mainly want to focus on sports as Sling does have a lot of sports options.

1. Directv Now

Directv Now is one of the newer services, but it definitely has a strong reputation and name behind it as it is part of the AT&T family. However, this is going to be a great service that has almost all of the same channels you would find with the regular Directv Service. What else is great about this service is they are constantly adding on channels. As we write this the top level package that you can find with Directv Now is going to have quite a few channels for you to pick from and it even has all the movie channels you would like to watch as well. So this is definitely going to make it quite a bit easier for you to find the shows you want to watch.

Now, one thing that Directv Now has just started to add on is a DVR service. This service is still fairly new and in our experience is clunky to use and it does work. The local channels are going to be almost the exact same that you can find with the regular Directv. The downside is if you like watching your PBS channels you will have to download an app to your streaming device for it to work right as even in my area where I have 3 PBS stations on regular Directv, Directv Now does not have any PBS channels.

How To Pick Between The Live Streaming Services

Okay, I have to say this is the challenge because you will find that you have several different streaming services to pick from. I know for me, I have settled on Directv Now and really do enjoy it because it has almost all of the channels I had before and since I am a customer of AT&T I get a discount on the service and get HBO for free. So I do like the fact that I get all of that for my service. I do find the Sling network to be good at times, but for me it does not have Discovery which is a deal breaker as I love the shows on Discover. As far as you can find Playstation Vue is nice, but at ninety bucks a month plus 10 more to get the sports channels it would be back at the same price as having cable. So it really depends on what you are looking for in the service and what you need. No matter what, though, you can find these are the best streaming services for live television you can get.

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