Sony KD60X690E 60″ Ultra 4K Smart TV

Buying a new often means going through a myriad of pitfalls and finally picking out the right to use. The problem is most of the televisions that are on the market are the ones that will actually work great, but have some differences you are going to notice and want to take advantage of. This may even include something like just having a slight difference in the quality of the sound you are getting from the television. Since this is the case, we have decided it was time for us to review another television that made our Ultra HDTV list and that is the Sony KD60X690E 60″ Ultra 4K Smart TV. So now it is time for us to start our review of this selection that Sony televisions have available.

Features Of The Sony KD60X690E 60″ Ultra 4K Smart TV

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What Kind Of Inputs And Outputs Are Available?

It is key that you know how many inputs the television is going to have. Once you know about this it will make it easier for you to know if the television will have everything that you need to have or if you need to find a different television that you are going to really love. This television will have 3 HDMI inputs for you to use. The television does have 3 USB ports as well which is nice to have. You also will like the fact the television has 1 composite and 1 composite hybrid type of input that will make it easier for you to get the input that you want to have. On the downside, I did not see any mention of any type of outputs.

Does This Television Connect To The Internet?

Ths is a great feature of this television and that is the fact the television will connect to the Internet. So you will not need to get a streaming device at times. However, at the same time, you will find that you are going to be able to get these devices if you want to have some additional expansion to the options you have as well. So I will admit that it will definitely connect to the Internet, but the downside is you may not have all the options that you are looking for and that is why you would need to utilize some of the HDMI ports that are mentioned above.

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What Does HDR Television Mean? 

The HDR stands for high dynamic range. This is going to make it easier for you to have a great product that is going to actually mark up the colors that you are looking for. This will make it easier for you to have a great looking pitcture that is going to have a great color that is going to allow you to have a great look. The best part is this allows you to get quite a wide range of colors that you can enjoy as well, which will help you out quite a bit compared to what you were expecting for the televisions that you have looked at in the past.

Sony Television With HDR

What Do I Like About This Ultra HDTV?

I do have to say that I really like the clarity that you find with the pictures that you can see on the television. I also enjoy the fact that this television does have a great type of markup that allows you to get the great picture quality that is going to keep up with the action movies you are watching. So this will definitely make it easier for you to keep up with the shows and know they are going to have a great color that you are going to enjoy and know that it is going to make it easier for you to have a great time.

The other thing that I really like with this television is the fact that it has a medium price point. This makes it a little bit of a great television for most people to afford. However, what you will find is the price is nice for most people because they can justify this price rather than some of the other televisions that will cost you a fortune to buy and not get much out of in the way of options compared to the higher priced televisions.

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What I Dislike With This Television

I have to say that with the sound quality for some of the shows being questionable, I have to say that I really do not like the fact that I cannot find an audio output. This means that I have to rely on my Roku to stream the sound to the sound bar and surround sound system. The major issue with this is it means the sounds are off between the television and the sound bar so I have to reserve the surround sound system to have on for shows that I want to watch and not be distracted with sounds that are going up and down.

Who Would This Television Be Best Suited For?

The Sony television here is going to be one of the best ones that is kind of around the entry level that you can find. I know that at almost eight hundred bucks it may not seem like it would be entry level, but you will find that some of the televisions that are around the lower price range is not going to have the same quality, but you are getting some great quality pictures here that is going to be available at a very moderate price compared to the .

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My Final Thoughts On This Television

I have to say this is one television that I thought I would like a little bit more than what I did. While it is an affordable option for people, you may find that you could save a couple hundred dollars more and get a better television. With that being said, I really do like the Sony KD60X690E 60″ Ultra 4K Smart TV and think it would be a great option for anyone to buy. However, I really do prefer the televisions that we have reviewed and think it would be a better buy. Overall, though, if you want an affordable Ultra HDTV and cannot afford a then this could be a great option for you.

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