Brita On Tap Water Filter System

Finding a water filter for your faucet is a great way to filter your water and make it more enjoyable for drinking. However, with all the different on the market, it can be very difficult for you to figure out which one of these you should buy and which one you are going to want to avoid getting. The difference between the filters is very minimal and in most cases, it will come only from the change of the filter lifespan and the water taste quality. With that being the case we have looked at all the different water filters and have already ranked what we feel are the five best for your faucet and now we are going to do our individual reviews. In this case, we are going to do the Brita On Tap Water Filter System so you can see what we like, the features, and what we did not like here.

Features Of The Brita On Tap Water Filter System

  • This is a filter that is going to mount to the faucet and will mount to most of the faucets that you are going to have in your for the sink. Now, this does not mean it will fit to your bathroom sink or other faucets that are not standard, but it does come with a kit that will make it easier for you to install the water filter to the sink faucet. So this will make it quite a bit easier for you to have a filter that will work for your needs.
  • When you are using a water filter you need to realize that these are going to have quite a big difference in how well they are going to work for your needs and this is very true as the filter starts to wear out. With that being the case, you will like the fact that this is a filter that is going to start to flash with an electric indicator that will let you know when the filter needs to be changed. When this is flashing you will get the water filter that is going to show you how long it is going to be before you have to change it by the color of the light flashing.
  • Buying a filter system is a great thing to do, but you will find when you are buying these you will want to make sure you have the proper filters to use. Thankfully, you do not have to worry about this to much with this system as it is going to come with a couple of filters already for you to use. This will make it easier for you to have a filter and a backup so you can easily get all of your water filtered right away.
  • Finally, you will find this is a water filter that is going to remove quite a few toxins from the water. This is going to make it quite a bit easier for you to get a cleaner tasting cup of water, but also know the water is not going to have a lot of the chemical contaminants inside of it. Please refer to the picture at the bottom of the page for a list of the contaminants it will remove and if you cannot see what it will remove make sure you click on the image to get sent to a larger image.

What I Like About This Faucet Water Filter

I will say this about this filter is the fact that I love having this filter that is able to be mounted on the sink faucet. This is going to make it quite a bit easier for almost anyone to install the filter. What is really nice is the adapter kit that will help you out in getting the filter fitted to your sink. This, in turn, will make it easier for you to have a great item that you can typically install on your own without having to do anything extra to get the filter installed.

I also like the fact this is a filter that is going to filter out quite a bit of the chemical that has managed to find their way into our water systems. This is definitely a plus because I do not like the fact that so many water systems have been impacted by the chemicals that have found their way into our drinking water. Flint, Michigan would be a great example of this of the chemicals, but this was from the water pipes! So this is definitely something you need to consider because it could easily impact your use of water, but having the filter removes a lot of those issues.

The taste of the water is something else that I really like. I have had quite a few water filters and have to say out of all the ones I have had the Brita has a decent taste quality to it after the water has come out of the filter.

What I Did Not Care For

Well for me the one thing that I did not really care for with this filter is the way it mounts to the sink with the filter being upright. While I never really thought about this before, I have a toddler who likes to get water now. When the filter is upright he has a tendency to hit the filter and knock it all over the place. So I really wish the filter was a lot smaller than what it is because it can get hit quite a bit on accident.

My Final Thoughts On The Brita On Top Water Filter System

Well, now it is time for me to leave my final thoughts on this water filter. I know that I really like the Brita brand and it does have a good name. With that being said, this is a good filter that you can get and use as a faucet water filter as long as you do not have a child who will hit it on accident on a regular basis! Overall, I would say the Brita On Tap Water Filter System Is A Buy.