Christmas – The Minions

Everyone seems to know everything about the minions and the different characters that are associated with the movie and even the Despicable Me movie series. With that being said, what a lot of people do not realize is the rise in popularity of the Minions has led to Christmas being made from these characters. With that being said, I know in my experience it is easy to overlook some of the aspects of these because in my local store they always seem to only carry a single selection of . Since this is the case, I decided to break with what is our normal theme for the website and added in a different section that is going to cover a lot of the main Minion decorations that are on the market. This way you can easily find the decoration that is going to suit your needs.

Christmas Tree Decorations

The Christmas tree is often seen as the focal point of the decorations and with that being said, it is going to be the one part of the decorations that people tend to spend quite a bit of money on. With that being said, I decided to mention some of the Minion Christmas tree decorations. These decorations are going to help people out quite a bit in getting to enjoy the tree and know the decorations are more modern than what they are used to seeing. So this can easily allow the kids to get their own decorations and know this is going to make it easier for you to select the decoration to go on the tree. With that being said, here are some of the decorations that you can use on the tree, please note this is only what I found most attractive out of the decorations so their are quite a few other decorations that are available as well.

Dave and Carl Ornament

This is definitely a decoration that shows Christmas spirit with the Minions. You have one of the Minions who is excitedly holding the candy cane. However, you will also see the one who seems to have the mischievous look while holding a present. I know for me I personally like the one who is holding the present, because I always liked the mischievous Minion.

Size of these two is going to be about 3.5 inches tall. However, I am not sure if this includes the hook for the decoration or not. With that being said, the size is large enough that they will be noticed.

Materials that were used to make these are something else to consider. I know for me, I like the plastic because of my kids and this is what you will find these are made from, which will make it easier for you to enjoy the decorations and know that your kids are not going to ruin your ornaments.

Overall, this ornament is definitely one that I like and one that I find attractive. However, you do need to remember the Minions are not like the Peanuts gang so they could be dated over time. So take this into consideration if you are looking at getting a lot of the Minion decorations.

Dave and Carl Decorative Ornament 

Now this is an ornament that I have seen, but it is an ornament that I am kind of curious about why it is classified as a Christmas ornament, but it is. This is an ornament that I tend to think of more as the ornaments that would be just an every day type of ornament. With that being said, this is an ornament that I would not have on my tree because I simply do not see anything that is really Christmas with it.

The size of these is going to be at the 3.5″ mark as well. So this is going to help you in getting to have an ornament that is of decent size and shape. Plus the characters are well known and this is an officially licensed product from the Despicable Me movies.

Unlike the Minion ornament that was mentioned above, you will find this one is made from a polyresin material. This could make it a little bit harder for you to have an ornament that is not going to be kid friendly, which the kids always tends to like to look at these and sometimes they can break the ornaments.

For me, this is not a Christmas enough ornament for me to use. So I would not be the one that would be buying this ornament. Some people will enjoy buying this ornament because it is fairly neutral, but I have to say for me I do not really care about that because this is a decoration that does not even show off towards Christmas.


Dave and Carl With Christmas Hat

Now, this is more of the Christmas spirit type of ornament to come from Dave and Carl. I really enjoy the fact that this ornament has some of the best looks for the season. I know the one Minion in this looks more like a little strawberry more than a Christmas hat, but it is definitely a Christmas hat that you can see. I really liked the Santa hat, the other one has on as well as this is going to show off more of the season as well, even if he does look like he wants to cause trouble!

Something else that you will find out about this product is it is more of a blow mold. So this is going to allow you to have a product that you can hang on your tree and know that it is going to be quality and keep your Christmas decorations looking nice for years to come. With this being a blown mold, though, you do need to make sure you keep it away from kids as they can have issues with the ornaments and break them.

I would have to say this ornament is one that I enjoy looking at as well. However, I would find the blown mold may not work for me because I have kids.

Naughty Or Nice Minion Ornament 

Now I am sure this is on the mind of kids all the time if they make the naughty or nice list of Santa. However, what the parents and the kids alike need to realize is this is a Christmas ornament that is from the Minions as well. So I would have to say this is easily one of the best decorations because it captures what the kids see as the Christmas spirit. I know that the true spirit is the birth of Jesus, but for kids the season revolves around Santa. What makes the Naughty or Nice ornament even better is the fact this is an ornament that has the Minions with one looking hopeful and the other casting his usual doubting eye.

Size of this ornament is another plus that you will enjoy as well because it is going to work a lot better than some ornaments as it is going to be 3.75″ tall.

Something else that you will enjoy with this ornament is the fact it is going to make it easier for you to get the ornament hung up because it is flat and has a single side. So you can easily hang this on your tree.

Naughty or nice is often the list of Santa, but here it is the Minions. I have to admit, I really like this ornament and with it being flat sided, I do not have to be concerned about the ornament looking out of place or having to be turned to see the complete ornament.

Despicable Me Minion Ornament With Firehose

Okay, I have to say this now, I am kind of partial to firefighters. I used to be a firefighter and in fact was the first female firefighters at my department. However, with that being said I really like to see this ornament and the old smooth bore nozzle. The funny thing that I like about this ornament is it looks a lot like what ornaments we would get each Christmas at the fire department. Not only that I know this ornament does not scream Christmas, but for me it has the appeal and look of a Christmas ornament.

The size of this Minion ornament is only 2.25 inches tall, but it is well worth the cost as firefighting ornaments look great and often are a once in a lifetime type of thing.

A common complaint with this ornament is going to be the fact that it is a delicate ornament. So you will find that if the packagers that are shipping this are not careful when they are packaging it, it can arrive broken. In fact, this has been a common complaint that people have made with the Minion firefighter ornament.

Yard Decorations

Decorating the yard is a great thing to do. However, a lot of times you will find their are so many decorations it is impossible to select from any of them. With that being said, we have decided to let everyone know about the different Minion yard decorations that we like to see. While their are more of them available, this is a limited selection that we enjoyed looking at. Without any further waiting, lets get on to what we promised the yard decorations!

Despicable Me Minion Kevin With Candy Cane

Now this is what I would have to say is a decent Christmas decoration for an outdoor inflatable. While it is not always look great because of the wind blowing it over, it is a decoration that will provide you with something in your yard that you can look at. Not only that you can see this is going to be a great decoration that you can use because it is showing off the Christmas spirit with the hat and the candy cane.

The height of this decoration may be something that a lot of people are going to find difficult to handle. In most of the reports this Minion has been shown to be 8 feet tall, so this is something that you would really need to consider as well.

A good point to see is this is a Minion that does have an LED light inside of it to illuminate it for night time use and it also comes with its own tether and stakes, which will help guarantee you are able to keep the decoration secured to the ground.

Now this is a classic and if you have cats you will really recognize this picture of the tree bending over with something hanging off of it. In this case it is a Minion that is hanging off of the tree, but in most of the cat lovers cases it is going to be the cat. With that being said, it is easy to see this is a great inflatable decoration that can easily be put up in the yard and last you for the entire Christmas season.

As with the last inflatable decoration that we mentioned, you will find this is a large blow up and needs to have some space. This decoration when it is fully inflated has a height of nine feet, so make sure you have the space available for the decoration before you buy it.

I have to admit, this is one of the best minion inflatable decorations that I have seen. I really enjoy the way the Minion is hanging on for dear life and only one of them is trying to save him, but the other seems to be mocking him from the ground. Either way I really love this decoration and would love to see it in a lot of yards!

Naughty Or Nice Slide With Minions

Naughty or nice is easily one of the biggest concerns that kids have when it comes time for Christmas. When you look at this, you will quickly find that this is a slide that seems to have a very slippery slope as a lot of the minions are having trouble staying anywhere close to the top. I do have to admit this is a nice decoration and it does show the slide off really well.

The size of this decoration is going to trip up some people for their yard because this is one decoration that is not only tall, it is 7’8″ tall, but it is extremely long as well. The decoration measures 10 feet long and this is going to make it hard for some people to get it placed in their yard properly.

Seeing a decoration like this one is the key reason that you will buy it and you will not be disappointed with this decoration as it does have a light inside of it and the maintenance is very simple as you just have to plug it in and watch it start to inflate.


Decorating for Christmas is one of my favorite things to do. I have to admit, I really am in love with Christmas decorations and try to get at least one new decoration each year. With that being said, I am really going to say the Minions are a great decoration choice for the current times. These are popular now and have been for quite some time thanks to the marketing program the movie producers have put forth. With that being said, I would highly recommend getting these decorations while they are popular. Over time the Minions will falter in popularity, but might as well take advantage of the popularity of the Minions now and decorate your yard and tree right.