AT&T CL83213 Cordless Phone
AT&T CL83213 Cordless Phone

Finding a new cordless phone can be a challenge, but the AT&T CL83213 is one phone that can really be a great option. This is when you should think about why this cordless phone is a great option compared to some of the other options you can look at. Well, we decided that it was time for us to continue our cordless cell phone series and let you know about the features, what we like, what we dislike, and what other people think in our AT&T CL83213 Cordless phone answering system review.

Features Of The AT&T CL83213

  • Uses the DCET 6.0 digital technology.
  • Has a speakerphone built-in.
  • Can be expanded to up to 12 handsets.
  • Caller ID and Call Waiting built into the phone.

What I Like About The Cordless Phone

Can Be Used As An Intercom

Now, I have to say that I always wondered what it would be like to have an intercom in my house. Yes, I have watched the old movies of pushing a button to call for help. Well, I like that feature here because I have kids and they are teens. Well, any parent knows that their kids typically ignore them more than what they want to believe. With the intercom system, as long as the kids have a phone, they can be reached by the intercom and that makes it quite a bit easier and allows me to talk to them instead of trying to text them and get ignored by them.  

Has A 50 Station Caller ID Memory

I know this may not seem that important to people who have everything stored on their cell phone. However, I was reading on Facebook about one of my friends lost their phone and all their contacts. Now, normally this would be easy to solve by going to the address book. Sadly in the modern world this is not always the case, which is why I tend to use my cell phone, a house phone, but also have the old standby book. With that being said, I do not have my cell phone on me all the time to look up contacts so having them stored on the phone is a great feature as well.

The Phone Has A 14 Minute Answering Service

While it is not an answering service like you may imagine in the fact that if you call someone will answer for you. Instead, it is the answering machine which is going to last you 14 minutes. So when you have that one friend, we all know which one it is, calls and gets the answering machine, they can leave their entire life story on the answering machine for you to listen to later on.

What I Dislike About The Phone

Any Key Answer

I can see where this would be helpful, but at the same time I can only imagine the difficulty this could cause as well. So having the feature is great if you roll over and just hit the button to get the phone answered. At the same time, though, it could be bad if you go to hit the button and answer the phone without even thinking about it you could end up carrying on a conversation with the person who you were trying to ignore their phone call from.

What Others Are Saying

Thomas who left a review on Walmart’s website said this, “Excellent phone system”. So you can see this is one review that mentioned the quality of the phone system and how they really loved the quality of the system and how it really helped improve their phone systems inside of their .

StevieMac had this to say about the AT&T CL83212 phone system, “long range, attractive chrome and black, plus a push-to-talk walkie talkie function”.  Well, this is always nice to read because it means that he really likes the fact that the phones have updated their system to help guarantee you get plenty of reach for the signal without having to worry about it running out of signal in most houses.

My Final Thoughts On The AT&T CL83212 Cordless Phone

I have to say, the AT&T Cl83212 Cordless phone is not the worst model that you can pick from. However, it is a model that you may want to think about buying. It offers almost everything that you could want from the , but it also has a nice answering machine as well. Overall, the quality of the calls is not bad, the phones have decent range for the service, but also the design is sleek and modern which fits into almost any . No matter what you decide, the AT&T CL83212 phones are not a bad option and definitely will fit into your .

Want more cordless phone options?Check out our five best cordless phones.