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Spring has arrived for most of the world, sorry Australia I know you are getting ready for winter. However, with the way the winter weather has been it may mean that you have some limbs that will need to be trimmed around your home. With that being the case, you should know about some of the cordless chainsaws that you can use to trim up some of the smaller branches that are on your property. With that being the case, we are going to continue our series and review the , which is a great chainsaw that is powered by batteries that you can easily use on the limbs around your property.

Features Of The

The battery the chainsaw uses is the 20V MAX Lithium Ion battery. Now what this means is the battery tends to last you quite a bit of time. However, you need to realize that the battery is going to make a difference in how well your chainsaw is going to perform as well. So you will want to get a chainsaw, like this one that is going to have the stronger battery power that is present here.

Tensioning your blade and chain can be difficult to do when you have to use a tool all the time to make the adjustments. However, the Black and Decker here has taken that matter into consideration while they were developing the chainsaw and have managed to integrate the tool free tension blade system, which will make it easier for you to get the blades tensioned how you want to have them without having to try to dig through your tool box to locate the wrenches you need to have.

With this chainsaw the bar is only going to be 10 inches, but the bar is made from the quality Oregon brand that a lot of people will recognize as the one the professional loggers use. So you do not have to be as concerned about the blade creating any problems for you or even be worried about the saw having any type of bar issues.

How Long Does The Battery Last On This

The battery life is important when you are looking at the chainsaws that are battery operated. Now what you are going to like the most is the fact this is a chainsaw that is going to have a battery that when it is fully charged will last you for a typical time frame of 40 to 50 minutes on most of the time. The downside is this usually ends up going dead once you get in your groove with the cutting that you are getting into.

Does The Weight Of The Chainsaw Make It Difficult To Use?

The Black and Decker LCS 1020 is a chainsaw that is not that heavy, which is going to shock a lot of people. However, what you need to realize is the chainsaw will be easy to use if you are older or have a smaller frame. That is because the weight of the saw makes this very easy for almost anyone to handle and maneuver around to get the cutting done that you want to have completed.

Does The Automatic Oiler Have Any Issues?

The chainsaw is listed as having an automatic oiler for the bar and that is true. However, you may have read about a lot of the issues that are present with the oiler and it is not doing the job that you need to have it doing. So you will find that some people have presented the solution of soaking the oiler in a lubricating type of oil first for a little bit to get it loosened up. If not then you will have a challenge of trying to use the oiler manually while cutting wood at the same time.

Who Would The Black and Decker LSC1020 Work Best For

This is a chainsaw that is going to work great for people who have to get the limbs cleared out of their yard. However, the people who will like it are those that do not want to use a regular chainsaw because of the weight or health concerns, but also people who are older as this chainsaw is very lightweight and makes it easier for them to handle and maneuver around to get the limbs cut up.

Who Is Not Going To Like The Black And Decker LSC1020

People who are trying to down entire trees that are older growth will find the chainsaw will not do the job, but also people will find the chainsaw can wear out as well and the cutting can go slower. So if you want to get the job done faster, then you will want to use a different saw to get the work done as well.

Our Final Thoughts On The Black And Decker LSC1020 Cordless Chainsaw

When you want to get your job done quickly you will find that it is going to be difficult to do because you cannot get the saw that will do the job. This is very true when you are looking at the saws that are powered by gasoline that will literally wear you out while you are cutting wood and trying to get the job done. Overall, if you are looking for a decent cordless chainsaw, then you will find this is a great model that you can use and know it will work for your needs each time you have to pick up limbs from the latest round of storms in your area.