Pearl PF500 500 Series Student Reviewed

Flutes produce one of the most beautiful sounds that you can ever hear. However, you will quickly find that the flutes that are not properly tuned up or not played right, will produce a very shrill and horrible sound that can make you cringe. This is when you will often find that as your kids are learning how to play the flute, they can easily produce the shrill sound that you are dreading to hear when your kids are learning to play. Since this is the case, you should get your kids, the best flute on the market and as you can tell we have already talked about some of the flutes that are around. However, we have the main flute articles that are best for students, but we also have articles that are covering the different flutes that we highlighted. With that being said, here is our review on the Pearl PF500 500 series student flute.

Spotlight On The Pearl PF500

For a lot of parents, they may be freaking out because the cost of the Pearl is close to the five hundred dollar mark and in some cases even above this mark. However, this does not mean that your kids are not worth this type of money, remember they are your kids and this is going to be something that you are going to want to get for them. With that being said, we have decided the Pearl deserves our spotlight because it is going to be one of the best flutes on the market and with its easy to learn platform with the Offset G key, it is going to be easy for you to see exactly why this flute is one of the best on the market.

Offset G Keys

With most of the flutes you will notice their is an offset G key. However, what you do not know about is the fact this is a key that is going to be set off away from the rest of the keys. This is going to help add in some extra strength of the keys, which will help your kids in not destroying the flute. Something else you will enjoy with the offset G key is these keys are going to make it a little bit easier for your kids to learn on, which means they will not have to have the long fingers that a lot of the higher grade, in-line professional flutes require. So this is going to make it more enjoyable for your kids to learn how to play the flute.

Five Reasons The Pearl PF500 Is A Good Flute For Your Kids

  1. Silver plated means it is going to be easier for your kids to keep the flute looking great, but also in getting the flute cleaned up and help in getting the flute to look great all the time.
  2. Uses the offset G key, which we have already pinpointed why this is so important. However, this is a flute that has these keys and will make it easier for your kids to start to learn how to play the flute and keep the flute playing properly.
  3. Includes the rod, which is going to make it easier for you to get the right done on the flute. This is important because it will help ensure the flute is going to continue to play properly, but it will also make sure the flute is going to keep playing and look proper, instead of horrible looking like some of the flutes can look over time.
  4. Cases are included with this flute, which is a nice feature. This means you do not have to be concerned about the flute that your kids are using having been destroyed because they did not have a case to carry it in and keep it protected from the damage.
  5. Highly recommended by some of the various instructors that are providing flute lessons to students on a one on one basis. This is going to help keep your kids with the flute lessons, but also make sure the instructors that they are working with are very familiar with the flutes that they are playing.

Video Demonstration Of The Pearl

Drawbacks Of The Pearl 500 Series Student Flute

  1. The handle that is present with the case has been reported as being very flimsy and very difficult to use on a consistent basis. However, if you do not mind your kids having a case that has a plastic handle, that can be viewed as flimsy it is not going to be a major issue for you to deal with.
  2. With the rods, you will have to get some of the cloths that are going to be something that you will need to do. However, as you will quickly find out you will have to get these pads anyways, so the cost of buying them initially should be a cost that you need to be prepared for.